Wow. It's been a couple of days. I haven't really had much to blog about lately. Until today.
Today started off as by far the worst day of the stake. I couldn't play at all last night because my laptop crashed (blue screen of death) and then when I got it back up and running again everything worked fine except for PokerTracker. So I went to the Challenge thread to ask for help and RDog said I should convert my database to PostgreSQL. I did. Except it took all night and by the time it was done I was too tired to play, so I went to bed, thinking that I could get off monkey tilt since it was fixed.
I was wrong. Woke up today and went to play and the HUD (program that displays stats of opponents on table) that I was using wasn't able to read my PostgreSQL database. So I spent this afternoon frantically being on life tilt and trying to play while I didn't have a HUD. Didn't work out to well. I basically didn't play horribly, but didn't play optimally. I didn't run very well either and got into some shitty spots. Basically I lost like 7BI this afternoon/evening.

Then I decided that I was going to make the leap and download PokerAceHUD and finally after a ton of tinkering got it to work and then paid for it and set it up (if anyone knows where I can get some layouts for PAHud, let me know, please. I know there's a link somewhere on the CardRunners forums that has a bunch of PAHud layouts including CTS', so if you can find this, let me know.)
I took a break and decided that I was going to come back and grind for a little bit of four-tabling and really try to work on playing well. (Much to the chagrin of one of my backers, although once I told him I felt I was playing well and would stop if that changed, he was ok with it).
I was lucky enough to find some fish tonight and ended up winning some big pots (including ones with black chips {$100} at 25NL!)
This one started my nice rush I limped the button with 79s because the limper had limp-raised me several times and I wanted to see a flop. When the SB raised and the limper called I figured I might as well see a flop and try to flop gin. On the flop SB INSTAcalls my shove and I almost puked because that's how my day was going to that point: guy was a pretty big fish: guy as last one, sick hold: hand vs fish that established that he was a fish, at this point he was an unknown and folding crossed my mind, even if momentarily: last hand, one of the earlier hands of the session, took place before the last three, nice line?: for the session:

And the day total:
And my total graph for 25NL for the month:

In other news, I really need a new computer if I'm going to continue to grind a decent amount because my laptop just isn't cutting it. I was looking at this today and if anyone has any thoughts, let me know. I plan on having one of my buddies (Muggli, what up!) put XP whatever computer I decide to get as I don't really feel like dealing with all of Vista's bullshit., I don't think I have too much more to add at the moment, as always, if you read this and have any questions or comments for me, feel free to leave them on here of IM me on AIM if you have it.