The main purpose of this blog is going to be to keep track of my poker playing results, I will be starting at 25NL on FTP, as well as discuss interesting hands and other poker concepts. I am always looking for people to discuss hands with and do sweat sessions with so if you have a mic and Ventrilo or Skype let me know and I will gladly take part in a sweat session.
Also from time to time I will talk about real life stuff in here too since, well, real life > the interwebz.
But, for the time being I will start off with my Poker goals for the month of July.
- 35,ooo - 40,000 hands. This is a very important goal of mine and I hope to accomplish this with relative easy. Ideally I wanted this goal to be 50,000 but my goal last month was 30K and it was a lot so I don't know how much of a huge jump 20K extra hands would be.
- Show a moderate profit. I don't really want to get into a habit of setting monetary goals for myself as 1. I don't know what a consistent win rate would be for myself yet and 2. I don't want to have to force myself to feel the pressure of living up to a certain dollar amount.
- Watch a lot of videos and a lot of sweat sessions. This is extremely important. Videos help a ton with improving your game and personally I feel like sweat sessions with someone who knows that they are doing (at least a solid player) are the best tool that someone can have to help them get better at poker.
- Clear Ironman Bonus. Yea, this one is a gimme, I only need 1,500 FTP points, I will probably have this done by the end of the weekend, hopefully.
- Non-poker related: Do well in the two summer classes I'm taking (one online, one classroom lecture) and take care of some loose ends at college and get ready for senior year while still enjoying summer and making the most of my summer internship working in baseball.
So far in July I've played 2,441 hands of 10NL and lost $14.15 so that sucks, but I'm not to worried about it. Played three sessions, the first one was dead break even, $0.00 the second I won like $14.60 and the third I lost about $28.75, while running pretty bad and having some good hands end up running into marginal spots by the river where I was forced to fold.
Tomorrow I start playing 25NL on a stake, so I am anxious for that. I don't want to reveal who my backer(s) are in case they don't want it out there, but I am very grateful to them and hope that I can make good on the positive faith that they have shown in me and reward them by playing good poker and winning any and all parties involved lots of monies.
Well, that is really all that I have for now, I'm sure that I've forgotten something.
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